The beautiful thing about memories is that they are yours.. Whether they are good, bad, or indifferent.. They belongs to you! And no matter where life takes you.. Your memories tie you to where you’ve been.. And to where you are now..
Never think about the past! It brings tears.. Don’t even think about the future.. It brings fears! Just.. Live every moment you have with a big smile! :)

Live life! Regret.. NOTHING! ❤

Happiness depends upon ourselves..

Everyone is always going through tough things.. The irony in it is that everyone thinks what they’re going through is just as hard as what you are.. But life isn’t about surviving this.. It’s about understanding this!
You can’t move PAST something until you walk right up to it.. And move THROUGH it! You must confront your hurt.. Loss.. And sadness.. Sit down with them.. Look them dead in the eye and allow yourself to feel every emotion without judgment! And before long.. You won’t have to worry about letting go of your heartbreak.. Because it will have let go of YOU!

When something bad happens to you.. You have three choices.. You can either let it define you.. Let it destroy you! Or let it strengthen you!

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